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Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Written By anfaku01 on Thursday, August 18, 2011 | 6:16 AM

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderIn general, all children have a limited attention span, but the attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is more serious because it affects the child in their training and their relationship with others, both children as well as superior to others.

It is common for children aged three and four years is impulsive or inattentive, hyperactive, but you must distinguish between what is normal for age and which can be symptoms of this disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity, shortened under its acronym: ADHD.

Often ADHD is usually diagnosed between 6 and 12 years when the child enters the school years that the symptoms become more visible. So, it affects their education, their ability to acquire the skills taught also at school, in addition to affect many aspects of everyday life, their relationship with their friends and colleagues.

When the child becomes a teenager, in most cases, have the same symptoms.

Some differences that may arise is that the same above symptoms become more evident, and that he acted in poor condition and hyperactivity in the primary, just sits uneasy in high school.

What tends to occur frequently in adolescence are losses and lack of traffic laws on those who drive vehicles.

These symptoms of ADHD may remain into adulthood, including difficulty concentrating, organisation and activities. There is also many adults find it disturbing to know the medical diagnosis made for their children.

To try to educate children with ADHD require patience and parents about the disorder should be internalized and even consult a professional to guide them, so they can act appropriately.

Treatment for ADHD may help to control symptoms, that will make the child can grow and develop normally. Also will decrease the negative experiences that everyone can spend with ADHD.

In many cases, those with ADHD often also suffer from one or more other disorders like dyslexia, conduct disorder, Oppositional Defiant, anxiety and depression.



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