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Drug addiction and premature aging

Written By anfaku01 on Wednesday, June 29, 2011 | 9:12 AM

Premature aging related to addiction is not only a concern based on vanity - it is a concern of longevity and the quality of life which is strongly affected by substance abuse in the long term. Drugs such as cocaine, heroin, meth, ecstasy and crack are extremely toxic and quickly begins to decompose physical health of a person at all levels. Long-term drugs use a negative impact on the skin, cardiovascular and pulmonary systems and the liver and kidneys. In many cases, the physical deterioration of a drug addict can be rapid, severe and obvious, but the nature of the disease of addiction makes usually powerless to stop using. Instead, the serious threat of premature aging and future possibility of premature death must be mitigated through education and understanding about how this disease affects the aging process.

One of the most common ways to use drugs is to smoke. While the drug itself has destructive properties, smoking it intensifies this greatly by adding dangerous toxins and carcinogens that were never meant or tested for human consumption. These carcinogens and toxins hardening of the arteries, dehydrate system and lead to chronic, long disease term including pulmonary disorders, cardiovascular problems, diseases of the kidneys and liver, and many types of cancers. Generally, most of these problems is exacerbated by the type of lifestyle that most drug addicts live. A high stress, paranoia, lack of hygiene, malnutrition and other issues only make worse the premature aging process.

Smoking drugs often still produces the most visible signs of prematurity. This is because the toxins in smoke kills cells and hair follicles, resulting in sagging skin, thin or cast lips, hair loss and a general lack of collagen or elastic leading to wrinkles, folds and lines in the skin of the face, neck, hands and arms of the skin. This can lead to conditions of the Chronicle of the skin such as eczema, psoriasis and cancer melanoma or skin.

Some of the most widely publicized cases of premature aging are those caused by the use of methamphetamine. These drugs are so addictive and so toxic that people have experienced at the age of 10 years or with only a few months of use. Regular use meth invariably leads to a certain extent of what is called "meth mouth." This condition is caused by methamphetamine caustic materials that destroy the tooth enamel and underlying dental structures, including gums and bones of the jaw. Blood vessels along the line of the jaw and gum are also damaged by toxins of methamphetamine, leaving the mouth dehydrated and unable to levels and types of normal bacteria of battle. This leads to rapid tooth decay and tooth loss, even if meth was used for a short period of time.

Use of drugs and drug addiction is directly linked to premature aging, because it focuses on the immune system. As other foreign substances and pathogens, the organization seeks naturally combat the introduction of substances into the system. Because the immune system is supposed to be finished as, whenever a person stressed with drugs he depletes its overall effectiveness and longevity. This reduction in capacity of immune response makes a person more vulnerable to the House of diseases and conditions that would normally be prevented by a healthy immune system, thus serving at the age of a drug addict or alcoholic faster than a user.

Some of the effects of premature aging can be reduced or overturned even if assistance is sought quickly enough. It is absolutely imperative to seek help if you or someone that you care about is suffering from a drug or drink problem.

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