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Why so start and complete tasks so little in our life?

Written By anfaku01 on Friday, July 1, 2011 | 4:15 PM

We "older persons", I'm on the far side of 50, have experience from things and does not their finishing. Who do very well serve us the fact?

Any reflection on why what do we do? Here are some suggestions for you will initiate thinking about it.

It is short-term thinking?It is the lack of concentration?It is a busy lifestyle?It was the pressure of the family or friends or our work?Find us something better to do?What is we are addicted to the excitement of starting but not completed?

There are reasons as much as there are those who read it.

We will drill down a little and see if there are more fundamental reasons for beginning and ending are not.

The best place to start would be to go to the foundation of human motivation and whether there are clues there. Here is a list of 9 basic human needs. The topics for the three groups have become my list.


Acceptance (wanting approval of others) Community (as part of another life of human beings humans) Expression (giving your talent and time to others)

Food and shelter

Exchange (trading something of value for something of value) security (knowing that you will be safe) power (control of your environment)

Sense of purpose

Expansion (to move beyond where we are at something more grand) freedom of adventure (participate in something that is interesting, but where the outcome is uncertain) (do what you want and decide you need each time that necessary)

We want all provide for their food and shelter, be loved and have a sense of responsibility.

We will start by reviewing each of these for some gather some clues.

We want to be loved!

No great author has not included this topic in their writings. The book could cover the Earth and the filling of ink, the seas tell the stories of great love and lots of lost love. These stories continue to be written.
What better way is there to impress the focus of our love to the succeed in a new business? We start to something new when we want to keep or want to win the heart of our love.

We want to provide food and shelter!

The bases of food and shelter are met in a soup and a camp of homeless. Americans take this well over the ABC. (For example, House Bill Gates in Medina, WA is about 66 000 square feet). Food and shelter may have been included in our need to be loved. Who among us did not consider what we could do for having the best clothes, eat better or increase our status of owning a home more enjoyable or more? That have we started something in the hope it will help us do this? We have ceased to do other things because they did not help to achieve this objective? You will not go very far to find someone who regularly tries to impress clients, family and friends by taking of great restaurants.

A sense of purpose

What I do here? This question, at least that you are bogged down in meeting the basic requirements of life, could easily be part of the conversation of most people. We all want the impression that our lives make a difference.


What we can conclude with this short discussion on from something, but more important still, it finish?

Read on, and heard on the subject or see something done lead almost anything that will improve your life. Yet again, there are a multitude of examples of people purchase training, attend seminars, the hiring of a mentor and get a coach and do nothing after all was said and done.

Nothing will happen without your attention, well planned systematically applied effort!

Before now go you down the thought of road on this backup a minute, and perform the following steps again before starting something. To resume a very successful expression of Dr. Covey, author of "The 7 habits of the people"


The next task is going to improve my life or is it just something interesting to do?If I complete that I begin to me I going to regret the time past?How wide will be the impact of my success (or failure) in the life of my family, friends or my company?Is the amount of effort that I'm about to spend physically and mentally I lower will receive (if she fill)?How much time, effort, money and help other people is necessary to achieve this?

The result of careful reflection (which most people are rarely) would be to start things much less and much more complete.

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