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Senior Health - a difficult proposal

Written By anfaku01 on Monday, July 4, 2011 | 3:29 PM

More than 50 years, most people are trying to do everything they can to extend their productive years and ensure the quality of life in the future. These aspirations seem modest actually achieve might be more difficult than expected ageing of many Americans.

Statistically, it seems that a higher percentage lost their battle against the unavoidable ravages of aging with the last digits of the life expectancy dropping to 75.8 years for men and 80.8 for women.

Certainly, with all the medical one progress should expect these numbers did increase not decrease.

In this article we explore some reasons why senior health appears to be a difficult proposal and hopefully bring a greater sense of awareness to this disturbing trend.

It seems to be a gap in the ranks of those over 50 years. You may have 20% that do a good job of maintaining their health and 80 per cent which seems to be losing the battle.

For those who have lost the battle is not necessarily their fault. Some will have survived or living with a serious illness which simply makes it impossible for them to maintain essential activities for the maintenance of well-being and optimal health.

Others may simply not have the energy to maintain an active lifestyle after long hours of work or to care for the grand children. And still others may have compelling financial constraints to eat affordable, but not in a way that will promote better health, necessarily.

Many Americans over 50 already know that they should eat right and exercise regularly, but for the above reasons, and many appear longer, permitted preventive health by sliding to the bottom of their list of priority.

For the most part did not not the energy that they had once is at the root of the problem. It is almost inevitable that some energy loss will occur with age due to loss of pumping power, deposits of cholesterol hearts in arteries, hardening cell and internal inflammation.

I would assume that most did not know that the age of eighty years the heart loses half of its pumping power. But perhaps what is also important, is that at the age of 65 years in the heart has lost about a quarter of its pumping power. If you combine the hearts slow disappearance with any type of arterial disease of obstruction or artery and all the sudden blood flow cells and organs is reduced, resulting in an increase of toxins in the bloodstream. The end result is the loss of energy and the reduction of cases of mental clarity.

The cell is another that is often overlooked. As we age so do our cells. The age of the cells of the coating that serves as a protective barrier begins to harden making it difficult for them to absorb nutrients and other essentials. Put bluntly us are die slowly from the inside.

So when put you all this together, it becomes clear that, to remain in good health, seniors have to work hard and have a higher level of motivation than their younger counterparts.

Most seniors will be more willing to take up the challenge to slow the ravages of "Father Time", once they understand the difficult task they face.

You're ready!

If the answer is Yes, you must work with your doctor to become more active in the coming weeks; 20 percent add foods to your diet, such as whole grains to help your organization eliminate cholesterol; Add foods or supplements low in fat but high in omega-3 fatty acids DHA and EPA to improve cardiovascular health in all; and last but not least reduce your dependence on prescription drugs that could cause internal inflammation at the cellular level.

If what you expect? Let's move forward.

Robert d. Hawkins is a defender of enthusiastic consumers for the use of alternative natural health products and supplements, with more than 10 years of experience in the field. To learn more about natural remedies to promote current and future health, visit purchase Remedies.com



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