Fibromyalgia is a medical term and is derived from three words; Fibro means fibrous tissues such as ligaments and tendons, my which means the muscles and the pain of algia. Fibromyalgia is a condition associated with lots of aching and burning of muscles causing joint fatigue which can either be mild or severe. The prevalence of this disease in European countries is around 2.9% to 4.7% making common if not more rheumatoid arthritis.
Fibromyalgia is a disease that causes much pain and fatigue. The majority of the people who suffer from this disease have a number of tender points. These are called zones on the body usually the arms, shoulders, legs, hips and neck that affect each time pressure is applied on them. In addition there are other serious symptoms that affect the overall quality of life of the person.
Symptoms of fibromyalgia
Not all those who have this condition will be necessarily suffer the same symptoms. Pain can either affect the body, or it can be serious in areas few. The most difficult that many people find it difficult to manage the symptom is chronic fatigue that is associated with this disease. Other symptoms include mild depression, tingling, numbness and concentration. People may also have difficulty waking up during the night. There are also many people who will experience fibro fog which is a memory and the cognitive problem. However the overall severity of symptoms varies slightly through the day.
Diagnosis of fibromyalgia
However, the problem with this condition is that tests are not conclusive diagnose. Doctors will normally conduct a number of routine tests to rule out other conditions with similar symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. There is certainly a correlation between mental health such as depression and fibromyalgia.
The Causes of fibromyalgia
The exact causes of Fibromyalgia are still not known, although medical researchers have put forward a number of theories. Some of the factors involve stress or even traumatic, repetitive injuries, genetics and disease. People with rheumatoid arthritis or even lupus can be more open to this condition. Women are about seven times more likely to develop Fibromyalgia to men, and some researchers believe that this is due to hormonal imbalances or low levels of serotonin in the brain. Some researchers believe that this is perhaps the spine and brain injuries that cause this condition, others believe that it is caused by a substance P.
Control the symptoms of fibromyalgia
The treatment of fibromyalgia is often very problematic because it causes many unknown diseases. It is a chronic and much of the drugs for pain relief has side effects if used for a long period of time. The majority of physicians recommends however that their patience get exercise regular, healthy eating and relaxation to manage their symptoms. Anti-inflammatory drugs are ineffective because they is without inflammation in Fibromyalgia.
Therapy of heat for the symptoms of fibromyalgia
Thermotherapy is a very old remedy for muscle pain. This works because it improves the circulation and allows to obtain blood oxygenated to the muscles which relieves cramps and promotes relaxation. When you apply bags of wheat or heat pads, it can help relive muscle pain in people with fibromyalgia. Heat of the microwave and bags of wheat wafers are relatively good markets and can help to provide a large amount of pain relief and help relieve the stress that contributes to the condition.
Thermotherapy is working to reduce the pain signals sent by the affected nerve to the brain. In addition the heat also improves circulation and reduces the pain and discomfort. Heat therapy also helps relax the muscles to better sleep.
There is no cure known for fibromyalgia, but like all other chronic conditions a good healthy lifestyle can help to reduce the flare ups and control symptoms. Using of microwave heat pads, bags of wheat and heat therapy can help relieve pain and promote relaxation without the adverse effects of prescription drugs. Most people with fibromyalgia will lead a normal and productive life.
Visit Zhu - Zhu for more information about how a bag of wheat can contribute to the ease and soothe the pain related to fibromyalgia. Advice and assistance to achieve maximum heat therapy as a method to relieve pain and treat muscle and painful and stiff joints is available with help to choose a heat microwave pack of the wide range available online.
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